Customizing the DSP Suite for Your Organization

Customizing the DSP Suite for Your Organization

The DSP Suite is a highly customizable and brandable white-label platform that is hosted by Adkernel’s custom ad tech cloud infrastructure and makes it easy to launch and fully customize the experience for your team, as well as direct publishers and direct advertisers, if required by your project.

First, the services are connected to your host domain or subdomain of your choosing. In this overview, we’ll use as the example.

Once registered with Adkernel, CoolAgency chooses as the portal for their admin (and optionally for their advertiser and publisher login.)

This includes a full control over the registration form fields for advertiser and publisher signups. The user interface can be further customized with a copyright notice, the ability to enable or disable DSP partners, network logos, hidden submenu items in the navigation menu, the ability to show the Exchange to Advertisers, the ability to show a Lite interface, the ability to show a welcome text, and more.

Advanced targeting modes are also available, such as the ability to specify preset Tag IDs, a list of user IDs, the ability to notify admins about pending creatives and small but necessary controls for the email alerts to admins, advertiser and publishers that notify of changes in campaign status, low budget reminders and other prompts.

Learn more about this subject here.

Want to learn specifics about how to customize your DSP? Contact Jeff. He has all the answers.

Tracking Conversions for Direct Offers

Tracking Conversions for Direct Offers

Adkernel utilizes a server-to-server post-back method for tracking conversions related to publisher activity based on a {conversion} click id tracking macro passed to the advertiser’s destination URL.

For example, your advertiser has the following basic destination url:{query}

Adding the {conversion} macro in the destination URL will create a click identifier for tracking any conversions.

Using “trck=” parameter as the example:{query}&sr=advf&trck={conversion}

Once user clicks on this URL, {conversion} macro will be changed to our click id:{query}&trck=XXXXXXXXX

where XXXXXXXXX – conversion id

Once this click converts, your advertiser should call the following URL (for example via image pixel), for the system to record it as a conversion.{id}&c={conversion}&count={count}&value={value}

You can verify your host under Offers > Goals > Create > Orange Icon


id – Current goal Id (must be added in Offers settings)
conversion – Click Id used for conversion tracking
count – Number of conversions (optional, default value = 1)
value – Conversion value (optional, default value = 0)

For example:

will add 1 conversion with $1 cost.

Global pixel can be used simply by removing the “goal=” id parameter from the conversion URL. That will make the system record the conversion to the first goal added within the offer/campaign. Just note that at least one goal shall be created in offer.

In this case, the advertiser will need to call back the following URL:


Also, we support multi-step conversion goals, so you’ll be able to track multiple postback events (registration, purchase, etc.) within one offer. Find more information under the “Goals” tab in the Offers Editor